Friday, March 28, 2008
3/28/2008 08:03:00 AM
hey! if you haven't yet noticed, i've added a "playlist" thingy under IMEEM.
i'll be uploading recent recordings done by my lousy comp microphone and all. so far, ive only uploaded the CSS ones and ONE (the terribly soft-
First Love)...=p but do keep the comments coming in so i may improve! =p
08:15am (wow wat am i doing up so late at 'night' or rather, early in the morning?)
Saturday, March 22, 2008
3/22/2008 03:11:00 PM
haha fine! ill blog.anyways, i had a WONDERFUL week in
Cambodia from 11th to 16th. got to spend lotsa time with my Christian family from all over the world. i am missing you guys! the kids in Cambodia, my family in Japan, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand. for those in Singapore, LETS MEET UP OFTEN. hahaha. *pictures, videos, will be up soon.*
all in all, yet another strong anchor on my Christian walk.
yesterday was Good friday.
Gory had a sickening 7-hour maths lecture. -.-'''' then we went to church for Youth worship.. very explicitly, well-done! really thought-inducing.
i managed to (or rather,
Shermaine managed to,) find THIS on youtube! Yvonne's first appearance on
ChaoJiXingGuangDaDao! omgosh this is so exciting. it was aired yesterday! whee! she did well, i would say. im sure they are expecting more out of her. jiayou man.. so proud of her! then i got to chat with her. she says that they gotta do their own hair, make-up and clothes(ohman, id die. haha.) she's in the top20 now and the LA and Singapore group are put up in a hostel tog so they are closer, and they record 2 episodes in a day! so stressful. This is
Sugie's. i think he impressed too! jiayou! lol..
im so happy for them.
and im so happy and contended with my life, my friends, my family now. what more can i ask for?
a boyfriend? haha3:33pm