Sunday, June 26, 2005
6/26/2005 01:14:00 AM
i got in! yipee!
lOl.. me shermin shermaine we 3 got in.. so happy la... they r realli gonna teach us how to sing well..
we made a new fren.. si ming.. also got into [[performing group]] with us der.. lOl.. exited for the next practice.. wonder how they will groom us n teach us how to ... walk? lOl
today the talent quest audition.. i didnt do V well.. sigh.. lOl.. hopefully im exactly the type of gal they are finding..
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
6/22/2005 09:34:00 PM
the only thing that cheers me laogong!
i jus finished gokusen 2.. noe wat is [[kakoii!!!!!]]? yea..
6/22/2005 09:27:00 PM
suddenly it all comes at one go..fri - audition for LWS performing groupsat - talent questsun - prepatory course for Grade 2 vocal exammon to nxt week - mid-year...-.- ok im flattened..ill go prepare for all of it at one shot now.. ciaos..
Saturday, June 18, 2005
6/18/2005 02:40:00 PM
oh man! how can i forget to talk bout [[Qi Ling Wang]] ??
wahaha.. yah.. its the kuellest manga i ever reaad.. finished 3 books in less then 3 days.. heh.. vera, li hai bah.. >U<
6/18/2005 02:21:00 PM
at looong last! im back..
lOl sry folks.. im a busi gall..
anyway, my 1st post since.. ehmmm.. 2 mths ago? lOl
i hav since went to
[[thailand]] , a family chalet, and my beloved
[[4B]] chalet.. haha
okae.. the 1st 2 weeks of jun was HOrrible! everydae dance dance dance.. i almost died... wats more i njured my knee on the 2nd week..
[[4B]] chalet was... needless to sae.. fun! lOl.. the most mentionable experience is the part which i went to [[the red house]].. >.<> cReEpY.. there were like wires hanging from the ceiling.. holes in the ceiling.. broken tiles swept up in a corner.. narrow pathways.. okok took me
4 precious hours to do tis blog! i changed the skinnie if u haven noticed.. -.- heex